
Senior Secondary Years 11-12

Immanuel College

Entry Requirements

Course Details

The Senior School offers new levels of independence, with open spaces and creative learning environments that reflect modern workplaces. Spread across the Margaret Ames Centre and the brand-new Discovery Centre, students can access everything from meeting rooms and pitching spaces to green screens and a podcasting studio. Using these innovative spaces, students are encouraged to present assessments in non-traditional ways, demonstrating their understanding with the strongest possible response. Other pathways will take advantage of the state-of-the-art design, engineering, and manufacturing facilities, or the professional kitchen, art studio and fashion workshop, to develop fully realized projects that have real-world impact.

Beyond academic studies, students are also exposed to life learning during their time in the Senior School. Visiting speakers regularly teach students about issues facing young people in the 21st Century, and students are also encouraged to engage with their community through acts of charity and service.

When a Year 12 student graduates from Immanuel, they’re not just leaving with a future-focused education, they leave with a strong sense of self, a sense of direction, a sense of purpose, and close connections with their classmates and the wider community.

Years 11 & 12

In the final years of Senior School, our students are supported to achieve beyond their expectations. Every student will face challenges as they work to complete SACE and we make sure they’re supported to overcome them, with an emphasis on life beyond school. We help our students develop strategies to live, learn, work, and participate successfully in an ever-changing society, whether they are headed for university, further education, training, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce.

Immanuel offers an extraordinary range of academic options and subject choices in Years 11 & 12 aimed at meeting each student’s individual needs.

We offer the SMART Choices program in Year 11 to educate students on making the best possible choices now and in the future specifically aimed at teenagers. Recent topics have included positive well-being, safe social networking, safe driving, positive psychology, sleep, resilience, safe and respectful relationships, healthy eating and physical health.

Our Great Futures program for Year 12 students covers topics such as university options, completing SATAC applications, gap year opportunities, post-school experiences of Old Scholars, and other topics that help them prepare for life after school.

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Level of Study: Senior Secondary Certificate of Education

Duration: 104 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 004780A

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$31,815.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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