Resume writing with little or no experience (casual and part-time jobs)
Tuesday, 4 March, 12:30pm - 2:00pm - PRIDHAM HALL (215 Hindley Street, Adelaide South Australia)
This face-to-face workshop is for you if you don't have a resume yet, or if you want to update your resume to start applying for casual and part-time jobs in Adelaide. We will cover how to include the experience you have from internships or other roles you may not realise should be part of your resume. Let’s do this together and get you all set up to apply for a job soon!
Everything you need to know about working in Australia
Wednesday, 5 March, 12:30pm - 2:00pm - PRIDHAM HALL (215 Hindley Street, Adelaide South Australia)
If you are planning to apply for a casual or part-time job while you study, it's important to understand your rights as an employee. This informative face-to-face workshop will cover employment rights, the Fair Work Act and the Fair Work Ombudsman, superannuation, tax file number, and other essential information you need to know and do before you start working in Australia.
Preparing for your interview (casual and part-time jobs)
Thursday, 6 March, 12:30pm - 2:00pm - BRADLEY FORUM, Level 5 Hawke Building, (55 North Terrace, UniSA City West campus)
In this face-to-face workshop, you will learn about the different types of interviews, what is being evaluated in a group interview, what the main questions you are likely to be asked are, and how to answer them. We will also cover time-delayed interviews, where you will be asked to record answers to questions before you are invited to a face-to-face interview.